The Barcelona Science and Engineering Education (BCN-SEER) research group was officially set up in 2017, although it was composed mainly of senior researchers who, in addition to working in their own areas of knowledge, had also been working on engineering education issues for a number of years. Some members have been involved in innovation, research and publishing in engineering education since 2004, and the group has been growing ever since.
In 2017 we considered that the UPC’s engineering education research network was big enough to be constituted as a research group. Some of us committed exclusively to carrying out research on education and related subjects. Other professors belonged to consolidated research groups and aimed to devote themselves both to research in their fields of expertise and to research in education. Our great advantage is that engineering education research is a cross-disciplinary issue that touches all the fields of knowledge at the UPC
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Estudiantes de la UPC estimulen vocacions a alumnes de secundària, amb el projecte de mentoria t’STEAM
La UPC ha iniciat el projecte pilot de mentoria t'STEAM per fomentar les vocacions tecnològiques entre noies de secundària, en el qual estudiantes de la UPC fan de mentores a alumnes de 4t d’ESO....
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